Basic Alcoholic Drinks for a Cocktail Party

If you are planning to party hard this weekend, you can’t miss on drinking cocktails as they are inevitable. One can’t just deny a refreshing glass of well-blended cocktails. Well, one can’t ever deny the fact that cocktails can give a person a pretty amazing booze hit if taken in a certain amount and certain quantities. They are refreshing to taste with mild liquor content, what else one wants while partying their ass off. But if you are starting on this whole thing, this article is perfect for you (experienced drinkers stay away from this post). Here we have mentioned the top 5 basic cocktails when can have if they are new to this whole cocktail hit system. These below-mentioned cocktails drinks are basic and natural and usually have bases of rum and vodka. Easy to make at home, one can also enjoy their freshness after work every weekend. Read further to know more about the best cocktails to try this weekend.


A glass of Mojito drink topped with ice and mints leaves

The number one on this list would definitely be the most popular Mojito cocktail. Often pronounced as Mo-Jee-Too by many experienced, the exact pronunciation of the word is Mo-Hee-Too. The cocktail is a very sublime blend of rum, sugar, lime, and mint. The origins of this drink can be traced back to 1586 when a pirate experimented with Rum and a lemonade to make a classic mix of flavors and boom, Mojito was invented. One can sip this drink to inhale some refreshing vibes amidst the heart crunching life of metro cities. If you are beginner then, we would suggest you not to miss on this one. 


A glass of red colored Cosmopolitan drink

This gin-based drink dates back to early 1900s but the modern
version is very much different from its ancestors. Often categorized as girlish in nature due to its bright pink color and also for their liquor content, the cocktail is a perfect combination of tart and sweet flavors. Often made with Vodka, cranberry juice, triple sec and fresh lime juice, the cocktails provide an orgasmic amount of sweetness and sourness at the same given time. If you want to keep the mood light and mild, then Cosmo (cosmopolitan) would be the best cocktail for you to drink for the night. The showcasing is also very fancy as the drink is served in a martini glass making it the perfect drink to be uploaded on Instagram and several other social accounts.

Bloody Mary

A glass of red coloured Bloody Mary cocktail

This cocktail has so many stories of its name’s origin that the internet is filled with questions and answers of from where the Bloody mary cocktail got its name. The ingredients should sound a bit odd but the drink is a delightful concoction of certain parts of vodka mixed with the same amount of tomato juice and many other spices like black pepper, celery, olives, hot sauces, salt etc to provide a punchy flavor to the vodka based refreshment. If you have tried the two most basic cocktails i.e. Mojito and Cosmopolitan, then you can try this one just to tick it off from the list. If you like then you can try it with different spices and can play with the amount of vodka and tomato juice to see what kicks you hard.


A glass of Screwdriver Coctail

Believe me, you have tasted this drink but doesn’t know it yet. The drink is a fine mixture of vodka and orange juice. Refreshing and delightful at the same time, every Indian have tasted this drink at a friend’s party but are too wasted to know its name. Every vodka admirer has tasted this classic drink and likes to have it occasionally to keep the overall mood light and extremely mild. If you want certain punches and kicks from the drink, then my friend this drink is not your type. You can enjoy this drink and at home very easily by mixing equal amounts of vodka and orange juice with lots and lots of ice to favor the two different flavors.


Glass of Sangria

Red in color, the Sangria gets its name from the Spanish word Bloody. The refreshing drink is a classic mix of dark fruits, cognac, and straight alcohol like rum, gin or vodka. To make the authentic Sangria one have to mix some fruity wine or something very flavoury like Grand Marnier or flavored Midori to add refreshing fruity taste mixed well with certain amounts of vodka, gin or rum. The fruits which you can add to the classic drink generally belong to the category of raspberries. Strawberries and blueberries work great when mixed well into some red wine. To make your liquor hard, you can then add some vodka, gin or rum to sip ultimate fruit refreshing drink for a mild hit.